Unlikely Blessings

Andrew W. Davis
Jan 20, 2022

I have never prayed correctly and my mistakes were so egregious even demons came forward to help. Long ago, a person told me to pray while on my knees and I was instructed how to hold my hands, palms pressed together. I was advised to avoid generalities, such as praying for world peace, but instead stick to what was practical. I was told that Heaven would respond to the likely instead of the unlikely. I prayed until my knees hurt. One time, good demons observed that no one reached Heaven on their knees. I thought about that and wondered if demons bestow unlikely blessings. The demons and I stood together and both of us heard a great and marvelous sound. The demons shared a smile, and that day I learned that God was smiling too.



Andrew W. Davis

Andrew W. Davis is a former BBN network engineer who writes children’s verse, short-short stories and essays. He lives in Southern California.